
Ready to enhance your mental health for peak performance in your professional studies and career?


You have drive, passion and ambition…on a good day. You know your potential even if some days you have trouble articulating your own value. You have so much to give to others, yet some days you struggle to share your kindness with yourself. 

You wonder:

  • How is it that you can be hardworking but struggle to get out of bed?

  • How can you have so many ideas but struggle with the focus to put them into action?

  • How can you know your own worth yet have a hard time allowing yourself in on the secret of your own value?

Let me let you in on a little secret. You might not actually be lazy, flighty, insecure, or any of the many other attributes these “symptoms” may be misconstrued as.


I’m on a mission to help you regain and maintain your mental health so that you can thrive in your field of study and in your career. You have things to do, value worth sharing and a difference to make! It can be quite a challenge to accomplish your goals when you are experiencing brain fog, fatigue, depression, anxiety and other common issues related to mental health and cognitive function.

I’m also a firm believer in mental wellness. Why the emphasis on wellness? The reason for this is that I often I see the term “mental health” end up simply being used as a substitute term for “mental illness” but clearly these are not the same! We need to move beyond talking about how not to be ill and start learning more about how to be well. Not just “healthy”, but truly flourishing. Mental wellness is something we can all work on.

You know you have value. Don’t be afraid to acknowledge it. Join me and let’s make sure you have the support and resources to share your vision with the world.

If you are located in BC and would like to become a patient, please visit my clinic website Pacific Rain Wellness.


Much love,

Dr Turner, ND